Tongi Ijtema 2014 Part 1
Friday-Fajr-MaulanaJ..> 23M Friday-Magrib-Maulan..> 48M MaulanaSaadHedaya-1.mp3 47M Saturday-Magrib-Maul..> 54M Thursday-Magrib-Bhai..> 27M
Tablighi Jamaat, which is a work by the fact that people all over the earth. No militant outfit is like. When they are able to convince people of the truth, without any pressure to accept the truth of Islam. The truth is our objective to reach the door, Rasul (S) ideals real life we aim to deliver.
Tongi Ijtema 2014 Part 1
Friday-Fajr-MaulanaJ..> 23M Friday-Magrib-Maulan..> 48M MaulanaSaadHedaya-1.mp3 47M Saturday-Magrib-Maul..> 54M Thursday-Magrib-Bhai..> 27M
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