Thursday, March 5, 2015



Alhamdu Lillahe Rabbil Aalamin was-salatu was-salamu Ala Rasulihil Karim, wa Kahatamun-in-Nabiyyeen wa Aala Alehe was-Ashabihee Ajmayeen. Amma Ba’ad : - 

All praise be to Allah Tabarak Ta’ala who has created us and given us the power of Bayan (expression) revealed Holly Quran, which is the source of hedayat, guidance, healing and mercy for those who have faith. 

In a hadith,  it is narrated that anybody who keeps him sitting in the Masjid (the best place in this Duniya) (with wadu of course) after salaat is over. Malaiyeka (angle) prays to Allah for his forgiveness and mercy. Again, as long as he keeps him sitting in the Masjid, and waiting for Salaat, he earns the rewards as if he is busy in Salaat. So, my dear brothers, we are now in great valuable rewards.

My dear brothers and Elders, 
Allah Tabarak Ta’ala loves Deen-e-Islam very much. For that He has created lofty Sky with Sun, Moon, Stars and so on, the earth, Ocean, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, Deserts, Animals, trees and so on for the Mankind and Man has been created for Deen-i-Islam. For the aim of propagation and establishment of Deen, thousands of Nabi and Rasul had been sent in different parts of the world. Out of them Mohammadur Rasulullah (S.A.S) was the last one and was sent in Macca Mokarrama for the world.

The very purpose is to do E-badat (worship) of Allah i.e. to obey, to follow the injunction of Rabbul Aalameen in the Tarika (Method) of Nabi-Rasul, Shahaba-i-Kiram obeyed the injunctions of Holy Quran following the Tarika (Sunnah) of Mohammadur Rasulullah (S.A.S) and become successful in this world and hereafter, Akhirat. Allah Rabbul Aalameen declared, “Radiallah Anhoom wa Radu Anhoo.


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