Subhanahu Ta’ala says:
قل هده سبيلى ادعوا الى الله على
بصيره انا ومن اتبعنى
“O Muhammad ! Tell (the people that) this is my path (Tarika/work)
to invite the people towards Allah Ta’ala knowingly, I and my followers too. (Yousuf-108)
The sole purpose of Rasulullah
(S.A.S)’ life was to call mankind towards Allah and show them right path
of Zannat.
The aim of our lives is the same, Tablige
i.e. to do the work of dawaa. Moreover, we, being the ordinary people, have to
rectify our Imaan and A’mal and encourage other Muslims so that they may also
start rectifying their Imaan and A’mal. Allah Ta`barak Ta`ala says:
يا يهاالدين امنوا
تقوالله و قولو قولا سديدا * يصلح لكم اعمالكم و يغفر لكم دنوبكم ومن يطع الله و رسوله فقد فارعظيما*
“O the believers, be afraid of Allah Ta`ala and tell the truth
(Kalima Laa-i-laha illallah) He will rectify your A`mals, forgive your all sins
and whosoever follows Allah and His Rasul (SAWS) he will, surely, be most
successful (Ahzab-70-71)
second aim is do Jihad against nafse, i.e. to try hard to bring Islam
upto the level where Rasulullah (S.A.S) had left it. Allah Ta`ala says:
فلا تطع الكفرين و جاهد هم به جهادا كبيرا
“ O Mohammad (SAWS) do not follow (listen) the kafir, you, do
Jihad by it (Quranul Karim). This is the Jihad-i-Akbar.”
of Tablig
morning or one evening in the path of Allah is better than this world and
whatever it contains.
Tk. 1 in the path of Allah to fulfill own necessary (i.e. food, drink,
conveyance) Allah will give reward of spending 7,00,000 in charity, sitting at
“If Allah Ta’ala puts one person on the
right path through you, it is better than red camels for you.”
It never happens that dust gathered on
the body of a person in the path of Allah, will get mixed with smoke of
Zahannam. They can never get together. (Tirmizi)
Everything can the obtained only in its
special atmosphere and situation, the atmosphere needed for Deen. Other than
that of homes, markets and factories atmosphere of Deen lies in the mosques.
The Prophet (S.A.S) and his Sahaba (R) went out of their homes leaving their
wives, children and belongings for the sacred cause of spreading as well as
establishing Islam and upholding the word of Allah Jalla Shanuhu. They had to
offer many many sacrifices in their lives. Hence it is necessary for us to
follow them and go out in the path of Allah and struggle for this sacred
mission with our wealth, money and lives.
to achieve
to our elders and Ulama-Kiram, it is necessary for each and every Muslim to go
out in the path of Allah Sobhanahu Ta’ala for four months at the first
opportunity (students after finishing their study but preferable getting
married and starting any job) to learn how to call people towards Allah Jalla
Shanuhu. On completion of 4 (four) months, everyone should have to go out for
at least forty days every year regularly. When anybody resides at home, he
should do 5 (five) A’mal :
1) Daily
2) Daily
21/2 hours in Masjid (for local gust).
3) Daily
two Ta’leem, one in Masjid and another in his home.
4) Two
gusts in a week, one in the locality and another outside the locality.
5) Spending
three days every month in the path of Allah.
It is also stated that everyone should
help the incoming Jamat and always be eager for spreading Deen-i-Islam in each
and every home of the locality along with the world and upholding the words of
Allah Jalla Shanuhu Ta’ala and remember the famous Du`waa of Ameerul Mominin
Hadrath Omar (RA)
اللهم اررقنى
شهادة فى سبيلك واجعل موتى ببلد رسولك
(Allahummar jukny shahadata fee sabilika waj`aal mauti be-baladi
My dear friends and elders, who amongst
you are ready to offer four months as a cash ? Please let us know your names. May Allah
Jalla Shanuhu bless you with the best of Rewards (Ameen).
وما توفقى الا بالله عليه توكلت و اليه انيب*
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