The first and most imortant in
Deen-i-Islam is “Imaan” i.e. strong belief in oneness of Allah Tabarak
Ta’ala and His sovereign power. That the kalima (sentence) of Imaan is
لااله الالله محمد رسول الله
illallaho Muhammadur Rasulullah”.
This is a declaration with firm belief
that “None is worthy of E-badat except Allah Tabarak Ta’ala Muhammadur
Rasulullah is his prophet (messenger)”. Allah Tabarak Ta’ala is Khalique
(creator) and all other, whatever we see or do not see are Makhluque
(creation) of Allah. Allah got supreme power over the Makhluque. Allah
Subhanahu Ta’ala can do whatever he likes but Makhluque can do nothing without
Allah Ta’ala. Fire did not burn Ibrahim Alayhi Sallam, Knife did not cut Ismail
Alayhisallam. 2ndly, Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala is free from Sharik
(Partner). Rasulullah (S.A.S) said, “Do E-badat of Allah only, and do not
ascribe any partner to him, be sincere in all your actions as if you are standing before almighty Allah and
consider yourself among the dead.
He is the Creater, as well as Provider,
Sustainer. He give us lives, takes our lives, He is Bestower of respect and
Humiliater, each and every thing is in His possession and power.
3rdly, there is the success in life in
this world and hereafter in Akhirat only in the Tarika (Sunnah) of Rasulullah
(S.A.S). Duniya is temporary but Akhirat is permanent and we have to leave this
Duniya as and when desired by Allah Ta’ala.
Allah Ta’ala says through Jibra-eel
(A.S) “Only I am Allah, there is none worth of E-badat except I. Hence do
E-badat only for me, whatsoever will come to me with strong belief in
‘Laa-ilaha-illallah’ will enter My Zannat and whosoever enter My Zannat will be
safe from my punishment.”
So we must give
up the wrong belief of Makhluque (creation) and Duniya and fill up our hearts
with full Imaan (strong belief) in kalima. Tayyaba, “Laa-ilaha-illallahu
Muhammadur Rasulullah”.
The Kalima of Imman, i.e. Kalima Taiyyaba is made of two parts : (1) “Laa-ila-ha illallah and (2) Muhammadur Rasulullah. The Zannat (Paradise) may be said to open by both the two parts of Kalima Taiyyaba : 1) proclamation as well as implementation of “Laa-ila-ha illallah” 2) following the Tarika (Sunnah/ process) of Mohammadur Rasulullah (S.A.S).
Allah Tabarak Ta’ala says that whosoever is willing to love Allah Tabarak Ta’ala must follow the sunnah of Rasulullah and if so, Allah Ta’ala will love him and forgive his sins.
Hadrat Adam (Alai Salam) happened to commit a mistake. As a result, he was transferred from Zannat (Pradise) to this earth. He used to spend all his time in weeping, praying and repenting. Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (R.A) narrated that Hadhrat Adam Alaihis Sallam wept so much that the weeping exceeded the total weeping by all the people of the world and he remained in Sajdah for forty years wihout lifting his head even once. How many ways he lamented and repented, we cannot imagine. But no reply from Allah. However, once he looked up towards the Heaven and prayed ; O Allah, I beg Thy forgiveness in the name of Mohammad (S.A.S). Allah subhanahu Ta’ala replied and was forgiven him because of Rasulullah (S.A.S).
IMAAN (Kalima Taiyyaba)
The whole of Deen depends on Iman. It constitute the fundamental basis of religion and faith. The greater devotion to Kalima Tayyaba, more firmly will Imaan be rooted in the heart. The very existence of the world depends on Imaan (kalima).
According to a hadith : the Day of Judgment will not be down as long as there exists on earth a single man reciting this Kalima. In other hadith, so long a single man on earth who remember Almighty Allah. Kiyamat will not take place.
The kalima is like a tree with the roots in the heart of the Momen and its branches spread out upto Zannat.
(S.A.S) has said : of all the Azkar, the repeation of “Laa-ila-ha illallah” is
the best and of all the Du’aas “Alhamdulillah” is the best.
Benefit of Imaan
(Kalima Taiyaaba)
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhislam said that anybody who recites “Laa-ilaha-illallahu” with Ikhlas will enter in Zannat. Somebody asked – what is Ikhlas ? Rasulullah (S.A.S) replied – that prevents one from indulging in the forbidden things (sins).
Rasulullah (S.A.S) said, “Professing faith is “La-ila-ha illallah” provides the keys to Zannat. (i.e. this kalima is the keys of Zannat.)
Hadith : whosoever professes sincere belief in “Laa-ila-ha illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah” at the time of death, shall certainly enter Zannat”. According to another Hadith : “He shall certainly be pardoned by Almighty Allah”.
Rasulullah (S.A.S) said, those who believe in “La-ila-ha illallah” will neither have fear in grave nor on the Day of Resurrection. They will rise from graves wiping dust from their heads and say, “all praises are for Allah, who has cast off (for good) all worry and fear from us.
That a person who recites “La-ila-ha illallah” one hundred times daily, on the Day of Kiyamat will be raised up with his face shining like a full moon.
There is a pillar of Noor in front of Arshe- Ilahi. When anybody recites this Kalima, the pillar of noor starts shaking Allah asks it to stop shaking. It says : “How can I stop, when the receiter of the Kalima has not yet been granted forgiveness”? Allah replies “well, I have forgiven him” and then the pillar stops shaking.
Whosoever recites “La-ila-ha illallah” any time during day or night, his sins are remitted from his account and virtues are written instead. This means that sins are washed away from the account of the person’s deeds, provided there is Ikhlas.
If anybody recites this Kalima and dies, Zahannam becomes forbidden for him.
If anybody embraces Islam, all sins committed as non-Muslim, will be forgiven.
The best form of Zikr is “La-ila-ha illallah” and best form of Du’aa is “Istigfar”
Once Musa Alayhis Sallam prayed to Almighty Allah to teach him some Zikr for his remembrance. He was advised to recite “La-ila-ha illallah”, Musa (A.S) submitted “O my Lord, this Zikr is recited by all the Creation. Reply came, “recite La-ila-ha illallah” Musa(A.S) again appealed, “O my sustainer (Rob), I want something special, exclusively meant for me”. Then Almighty Allah said, “If the seven heavens and seven earths were placed in one pan of a balance, and this Kalima in other, the latter will outweigh the former”.In other Hadith, those whose tongues remain busy in Zikr, of Allah, will enter Zannat rejoicing.
In a hadith it is narrated that this kalima does not let any sin remains unwashed, this means that kalima purifies and polices the heart and its excessive recitation cleanse heart to such extent that he must do Toubah which will result in forgiveness of his sins.
Rasulullah said, when you happend to commit a sin, hasten to do a virtue in atonement, so that the ill effect of the sin may be washed away. Abu Zar enquired: O Rasulullah (S.A.S) is recitation of “La-ila-ha illallah” also a virtue? Rasulullah replied, “It is the best of all”.
Any person who is particular to recite “La-ila-ha illallah” before going to sleep and after getting up, even his worldly affairs will lead to the betterment of his life in hereafter and he will be guarded against misfortune and trouble.
That frequent recitation of Kalima Taiyyabah will help overcome all difficulties (comes from Devil). For it develops sincerity of intention, it cleans the heart, causes defeat of the Devil.
This Kalima wards off ninety nine kinds of calamities; the last one is grief which is a constant worry for a man.
My dear brothers, because of E-akin i.e.
strong Imaan and Ikhlas Sahaba-i-kiram achieved the benefits from this Kalima.
They made their Imaan strong in the path of Allah Ta’ala. So we all have to
follow them and go out in the path of Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala to get benefits
from this Kalima for the success in life in this world and hereafter, in
the Prophet Rasulullah (S.A.S) has been deputed specially for the propagation
of this Kalima and to it he invites all mankind. In fact, not only he, all
other prophets (Nabi-Rasul) had been deputed for the same efforts and all of
them invited mankind to it. From Adam Alayhis Sallam to Rasulullah (S.A.S), the
last and the best prophet propagated
this sublime Kalimah. We, being the follower of Rasulullah (S.A.S), must have
to do this noble effort. For this we have to go out in the path of Allah
Tabarak Ta’ala at least for four months:
1) To
talk about the greatness of Allah and to listen the same.
2) To
see the creation of Allah and think about His Qudrat.
3) Talk
about Tauheed, Resalat and Akhirat, and
4) Do
Du’aa for my Hedayat and for the Ummat of Rasulullah (S.A.S).
that we may have stonger Imman and better Aa’mal and encouraging the other
Muslim to make there Iman stronger and better Aa’mal.
this, my beloved brothers and elders let us register our name for four months
only. Please give your names cash --------Aameen.
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