Thursday, March 5, 2015


Ikram-i-Muslim is to respect the Muslim as a whole because of Imaan.
The aim of Ikram-i-Muslim is suppressing own needs for fulfilling the needs of others, specially the needs of own parents.
Rasulullah (S.A.S) says that the parents are the doors of Zannat for their sons. If anybody likes, he may keep the doors open by khidmat and fulfilling the needs of his parents, otherwise the doors will be closed.

Rasulullah (S.A.S) says, “He is not among my followers, who does not respect our elders, is not merciful to our youngsters and does not pay due reverence to our scholars. 

Benefits of IKRAM-I-MUSLIM

·         If anybody tries with Niyaat, to fulfill a need of a Muslim, Allah then gives him rewards of doing 10 years nafl Itiquaf.
·         If anybody fulfills a need of a Muslim, Allah Ta’ala will fulfill his 73 needs, one in this Duniya and 72 in Akhirat. 
·        Hadith: “None of you is a believer unless he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.” 
·        A Muslim has five rights duly payable to him by another muslim. These are: 
a)     To answer his “Salam”.
b)    To visit when he is patient.
c)     To walk in the “Salaatul Zanaza” of his dead body.
d)    To accept his invitation.
e)     To say “yarhamukallah” when he sneezes.

How to achieve

We have to
·        Respect our Ulema and elders and love the youngster.
·        Fulfill the needs of parents and relatives on the priority basis.
·        Try to fulfill the rights of neighbours, collegue, friends, Eatim, Poor etc.
To give da’wa and make du’aa for the whole.


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