Thursday, March 5, 2015


Ikhlas-i-Niyaat is also called the “correction of intention. Ikhlas-in-Niyaat is to do any good deed purely to please Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala. 
The aim of Ikhlas-in-Niyaat is to observe sincerity in all our religious beliefs and actions so that Allah gives us rewards in Akhirat. 
Allah Rabbul Aalamin accepts only those deeds of his servants which are purely based on complete Sincerity to him. Whoever performs prayers or observes fasts, or gives alms for show ; he becomes guilty of false E-badat. He will get no rewards rather punishment. “All the deeds of men will be gathered together before Allah on the Day of Judgment out of them only the deeds which are purely done for Allah, will be separated and the rest will be thrown into Zahannam.

·   If anybody does a small good deed to please Allah then Allah will give him rewards like the mountain, Wahud (largest mountain in Arabia).
·        Sincere intention is better than action.
·        Actions and deeds are accounted according to intentions of every person.
·      Allah Ta’ala does not look at the your body, nor your shapes, but he looks at your heart and actions. 

How to achiev

When anybody intend to do a good deed, he should  check his intention at the beginning, middle and end of the work. 
It is necessary to go out in the path of Allah to acquire full practice and training needed for getting then firmly settled in hearts and actions.


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