Components Of Imaan

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


Rasulullah (S.A.W.S) has said “Imaan has more than seventy branches”. The commentators of Bukhari. The most famous collection of ahaadith has summarised the branches of Imaan and written that there are seventy seven branches of complete Imaan in reality and these are in three components :
Firstly, we have to confirm seven branches of Imaan by words of mouth i.e. by our tongue.

Secondly, we have to confirm thirty branches of Imaan by heart which are concerned with intention, belief and action of heart.

Thirdly, we have to confirm forty branches of Imaan by our physical actions which are concerned with all the remaining  parts of our body .
The most important and best branch of Imaan is recitation by words of mouth – Kalima Tayyaba .
لااله الالله محمد رسول الله
Laa-i-laha illallahu Muhammadur Rasul-lullah. He said “ like old clothes, Imaan gets worn out, hence keep on renewing  it through supplication to Almighty Allah. The least of Imaan is to remove some obstacles, such as stone, wood thorn and so on from streets and modesty is a special requisite of Imaan also.
(1)             Recitation of the Holy Quran daily and regularly. It is said to recite it daily at least one part out of 30 pasts of the Holy Quran.
(2)             Acquisition of Ilm by sitting in the “halka” of Talim, held in the Masjid  as well as at home daily.
(3)             Propagation of Ilm i.e religions knowledge to others by giving dawaa to sit in the “halka” of Talim held in the Masjid and to read books of Fadail-i-Amal. regularly lonely.
(4)             Du`waa i.e supplication, to be nearer to Allah. To do Duwaa for long time in day as well as in the night.
(5)             Zikr of Allah subhanahu Ta`ala,  “Ehtimam” of 3 Tasbeeh, Masnun du`waa including Istigfar, regularly.
(6)             Abstaining form loose and useless talk.

The scholars have written that one should ponder over these and be thankful to Almighty Allah for the acquisition of these good qualities, because all goodness is possible only through his grace and mercy. In case of deficiency in respect of any quality. one should strive for it and keep on praying that almighty Allah may grace him with the blessings.


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