first and most important among the commandments of Allah Tabarak Ta’ala is SALAAT.
Some are enquired the Holy Prophet, “Rasulullah
(S.A.S), Which act (of man) is dearest to Allah?”
(S.A.S) replied: Firstly Salaat, Secondly Kindness of Parents and
Thirdly Jihaad. Salaat is the best E-badat after Imaan.
Salaat is the mark of Islam.
Salaat is the Pillar of islam and
light of Mo’men.
It is the key of Zannat.
A person in sajdah becomes nearest
to Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala.
Allah likes most the posture of a
man when he is in sajdah, pressing his forehead on the ground in humility.
Aim of Salaat
The aim of
salaat is to obey Allah Subhanahu Ta’ala for his pleaser and highest
satisfaction. Ibn Sereen writes that “if I be allowed to choose between Zannat
and Salaat of two rakaats, I would prefer Salaat. Because Zannat is for
my own pleasure while Salaat is for the pleaser and satisfaction of my dear
Lord, Almighty Allah.
Secondly, the aim of salaat is to spend
24 hours daily life according to the qualities of Salaat.
How to perform
We should perform salaat in a manner
Rasulullah (S.A.S) performed it. He said: “perform salaat as you see me
performing it.” Salaat is in fact, a
supplication to and Speech with the Lord with thorough concentration of
mind. Hadhrat Abul Aaliyah (R) explains that “there are three essentials
of Salaat”:
i.e Ikhlas heralds virtuous deeds.
Fear of Allah
– expels vices, and
His remembrance
– recitation from Holy Quran.
(S.A.S) says that “the best salaat is one with prolonged rakaats, Mujahid
explains that, It is standing up with Qunoot which comprises – proper bowing,
devotion. long rakaat, keeping the eyes down, lowering shoulder in submission
and fear of Allah.
/ Virtues of Salaat
Rasulullah (S.A.S) says, the first thing
to be taken into account on the Day of Kiyamat is Salaat. If it is good and
correct all his actions and deeds’ would be good if it is bad all his actions
would be bad.
When a Muslim takes wudhu properly and
then observes his Salaat five times a day, his sins fall off just as the leaves
have fallen off.
“When a person performs wudhu with right
performance and then says his fardh Salaat, Allah forgives him all the sins
committed that day by his feet in going towards evil, by his hands in doing
evil, by his ears in listening to evil, by his eyes in looking at evil, and by
his heart in thinking of evil.”
In another Hadith, Allah Ta’ala says :
“O Mohammad, I have ordained five times daily Salaat for thy followers. I have
made a covenant with myself that whosoever is regular in performing his salaat
at its fived time, he shall be admitted into the Zannat. Those of thy followers
who do not guard their salaat are not included in this covenant.”
Allah bestows five favours on a person
who is mindful (careful) of his salaat ;
1) His
daily bread is made easy for him,
2) He
will be saved from punishment in the grave,
3) He
shall receive his record (A’mal nama) in his right hand on the Day of judgment.
4) He
shall cross the Sirrat with the speed of lightning and
5) He
will enter Zannat without reckoning.
Salaat abases the Devil.
Wadhu is key of Salaat and Salaat is the
key of Zannat.
Allah keeps relenting towards a person
so long as he is engaged in Salaat.
Fire (of Zahannam) has been forbidden to
touch those parts of the body which touch the ground while performing the
Allah accepts the prayer of a person who
prays to Him after performing two rakaats of Salaat. Allah Tabarak Ta’ala
grants him who he prays for, sometimes immediately and sometimes later.
However Salaat
is an important asset guarantee for all that is desirable and protection
against all that is undesirable for both the body and soul equally, in this
world and in the Hereafter, Akhirat.
to achieve benefits
1. The
Male have to pray daily fardh Salaat in the Masjid with jamaat (with takbire
have to perform Salaat at their won residence soon after beginning time
2. We
have to be particular in Sunnah and bitir (wajib).
3. If
anybody missed salaah of Jamaat he should make it up.
4. We
have to perform salaat lonely in long long rakaat even in Tahajjad.
5. In
day time, we have to invite others to attend Jamaat and in the night make du’aa
to Allah for the betterment of salaat.
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