Nahmaduhu wa Nussalli ala Rasulihil Karim, Amma Ba`ad:
Beloved brothers and elders, Allah Jalla Sanuhu is our khalique (Creator) and Rabbul A`lamin (Sustainer of all). He decorated the sky and the Earth for the human being and created human being for Deen-i-Islam. Peace and success of human lies in obeying deen-i-Islam in this Duniya and hereafter in Akhirat. Deen is the cause of creation of this world and there lies the correction of all our deeds. Deen is a basic and fundamental Niamat and as such it is the most important and best of all other Niamat. Allah tabarak Ta`ala had sent hundreds and thousands Nabi- Rasul in different parts of the world in different ages. They had to do Hizrah from their motherland to other parts of the world with the aim to establish and maintain Deen- living. Hadhrath Adam (A.S) had to go to Ziddah from Srilanka, Ibrahim (A.S) did “Hizrah” from Seriya to Egypt and again from Egypt to Mecca. Rasulullah (SAWS) along with his sahaba-i-kiram did “Hizrah” from Mecca to Medina. Most of the prophets, with a few exception, had to do “Hizrah” for Deen. Hizrah for Deen is Sunnatul Ambia. We some brothers have come here to-day for Deen-i-Islam temporarily. Our aim and purpose is to follow Ambia (A.S), Specially Rasulullah (SAWS) and his Sahaba-i-kiram (R.A).
Two Jamats of Sahaba-i-kiram, consisting of one Jamat 16 prsons and another Jamat 102 prsons including some female went Habasha (present Ethiopia) where Christian king gave them food, cloth, shelter, security etc but did not co-operate the Muslims was not establish there. Rasulullah (SAWS) himself went Taif. The people did not accept Deen-i-Islam rather resisted him and tortured him severely.
Rasulullah (SAWS) along with a big Jamat of Shaba-i-kiram called Muhazir, went Median. The people of Medina cordially welcome them, said “Ahlan, Sahalan, Marhaba, Marhaba”. The people of Median, called Ansar, helped the Muhazir and gave them food, clothes’ shelter, share of their property, wealth as like as own brother. They accepted Deen-i-Islam, took-part in the Jihad and co-operated the Muhazir for the cause of Islam inside and outside the country. As a result, Islam was not only established in their country but flourished and propagated from Median to the corners of the world. Rasulullah (SAWS) made du`waa for the Ansars, their sons and grandsons; Rasulullah (SAWS) loved them much and such he did not go back to Mecca, He is sleeping now in Median with the Ansars till the Day of Qiyamat.
So my brother Muhazir of Mecca came Medina with empty pocket. As a result Ansar helped and co-operated them in all sides. But we come here with wealth to fulfill our worldly needs, we want whole hearted co-operation form you for the sake of Deen. We are expecting some time from you for ghust-Da`waa in this locality and Mozakara among us. If you co-operate us, you will also be given same rewards what has been given to the Answars. Allah Ta`barak Ta`ala says ;
والدين امنوا و ها جروا وجهدوا فى سبيلالله و الدين اوواو نصروا اولءك هم المومنون حقا لهم مغفرة ورزق كريم (sura: Anfal)
If is the responsibility of all Muslim
to do the work of Da`waa whole heartedly .
My brothers, birds cannot fly without two
wings, Fan does not move without two wires - negative and positive likewise
Deen cannot be living and flourishing in the locality or any parts of the
world, without joint effort, co-operation of Muhazir and Ansar. There is no difference
between you and we. We, this Jamat consists of ordinary peoples, Businessmen
and brothers from deferent profession,
such as workers, engineers, doctors, teacher, professor, aleem and so on, like
you the people of this locality.
We should be anxious as to how Deen will get into our bodies, souls, homes, family, society, states and even countries, all over the world. If we take part whole heartedly to this noble cause and struggle practically, by the grace of Allah Jalla Sanuhu, Deen will remain living and flourishing throughout the world from your locality and all we get rewards in Duniya and hereafter Akhirat Insa-Allaho-Ta`ala.
Let us make Ni`aat to co-operate this
Jamat if and when possible, whether in the morning or evening, day or in night.
Now we need Moswara in this regard with you after Duwaa.
Now we need Moswara in this regard with you after Duwaa.
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