Thursday, March 5, 2015

MOSWARA (Consultation)

Moswara is an important and Istimayee A`mal where all brothers of the Jamat shoul be present including local brothers. if any
Rasulullah (SAWS) said, “ A seeker of opinion never loses and a seeker of consultation never repents. Moswara in Deen is “ wazib” and for the work of Duniya is “Mustahab”. Allah Ta`ala sanuhu praises the Sahaba-i-kiram, because of  their Moswara. The Hooly Quran says that:
وشا ورهم في الامر
“They conduct their affairs by mutual consent”. ( Shora- shu-ara-38) and in other ayaat, Allah tabarak Ta`ala says;
وامرهم شوري بينهم .  .....
“Take counsel with them in the conduct of affairs” (Ale- Imran-159).

Purpose: Moswara is an effort to get correct decision. If Moswara is correct, all the A`mals  will be right.

(a)     How each broths of this Jamat because wise, qualitative, efficient worker and Dayee of Deen-i- Islam.
(b)     How to get cash Jamat from this locality for 3 chilla and one chilla.,
(c)      How to establish 5 A`mals in this Masjid.

VIRTUES (Benefits)

(1)             Allah Ta`ala likes Moswara and remains present in Moswara.
(2)             It is a Sunnah of Rasulullah (S.A.W.S).
(3)             It is a characteristic of a Mo`men.
(4)             There is Khair, Barakah and “Heefazah” from any loss.
(5)             It helps brotherhood, love each other  and hearts of all brothers get united,
(6)             Nobody regrets.
(7)             Nobody finds any fault of each –other.

Adab of Moswara

It is necessary for all brothers of the Jamat to express their own opinions, views and should not be contented with others opinions. Everyone should think about the establishment and existence of Deen in Duniya and arrangement of work in this locality. For that, 
1)    There must be a “Faisal” from the Jamat (preferably jimedar of the Jamat).
2)    “Faisal” of the Jamat will conduct the Moswara.
3)    “Faisal” will take opinion from his right side and from each and all brothers ( if possible) .
4)    All of the brothers will utilise brain, think well and give opinion for the prosperity of Deen-i- Islam.
5)    Nobody will cut or criticize the opinion of others.
6)    Nobody insist on acceptance  of his opinion.
7)  “Faisl” of the Jamat will give final decision, preferably on the basis of majority and the decision will be accepted gladly by all.
8) The one whose opinion is accepted, should not be glad or proud, better to do “Istigfar”.
9)  The one whose opinion was not accepted should not be grieved.
10)  If any fault found in the decision, that should  be considered that it was due to my own deficient thinking.
11) No Moswara before Moswara, no criticism after Moswara.
12)It is the responsibility of Jimedar of the Jamat to comply the decision of Moswara by his mamoors.


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