Moulana Tariq Jameel bayan aboul Mobile phone
Monday, March 16, 2015
Markaz List World Wide
Tablighi Jamaat Markaz List World Wide Part-1 | |
Location | Address |
ABU DHABI | Kaleem Razal, Al-Musaffah, Abu Dhabi. 971-2-721-.. |
AFGHANISTAN | Haji Md Meer, Sarai Nelam Farrush, Shahbazar, Kabul. 155-23798 |
SOUTH AFRICA | Markaz, Bait-un-Nur, 17, 11th Avenue Mayfair, Johannesburg. 011-8392633Kirk St Masjid, 12 Kirk St, 2001 Johannesburg. (G. M. Padia)27-31-923-841, faks 27-11-852-4011 |
ALBANIA | Dr Abdul Latif Saleh, Tirana. +355-42-25440/25438Seshi Avni Rustemi, Tirana. +355-42-23038Dr Skender Durresi, Tirana. +355-42-32710 |
ALGERIA | Masjid An-Najah, Al-Mohammedia, Algeria. (Belqasim Merad 213-2-750) |
AMERICA | Dearborn Mosque, 9945 West Vernor Highway, Dearborn, Detroit. +1-313-8429000 Markaz New York, 425, Montauk Avenue, Apt. 1, Brooklyn, New York. Markaz,Masjid Falah, 42-12, National St., Corona, New York. (Loqman AbdulAleem) +1-718-4767968Abdur Raqeeb, 130, 69th St., Guttenberg, NJ 07093. +1-201-86.. ,+1-718-8587168 (faks – Faqir)Markaz, 820 Java Street, Los Angeles. (dekat Arbor Vitae St.)+1-310-4199177 (Dr Abd Rauf)Farouq Toorawa, Los Angeles. +1-310-6755456Masjid Al-Noor (Markaz), 1751 Mission Street, San Francisco.+1-415-5528831Vallejo Mosque, 727 Sonoma Boulevard, Vallejo, California.+1-707-6452024Naser Sayedi, 1777 East West Road, P.O.B. 1703, Honolulu.+1-808-735..L/Cpl Chaudary, Hawaii. +1-808-2575721Islamic Centre, 1935,North Eo Place, Manoa, Honolulu. |
ANGOLA | Comunidade Islamica em Angola, Caika Posta 2630, Luano. |
SAUDIA ARAB | Abdul Ghaffar Noor Wali, Jeddah. 966-2-6371607Ghassan 6823041Dr Ahmad Ali, P.O. Box 22310, Riyadh 11495. 966-1-6023679 |
ARGENTINA | Ahmad Abboud, Centro Islamico, Av. San Juan 3049/53, Buenos Aires.54-1-973577 |
AUSTRALIA | Markaz, 90 Cramer Street, Preston 3074, Melbourne.Sheikh Mo’tazEl-Leissy, Melbourne. 61-3-94784515Markaz, 765 Wangee Road, Lakemba, Sydney. 61-2-97593898S. Hamid Latif, Lakemba Mosque, 63/65 Wangee Road, Lakemba 2195, Sydney.61-2-759-3899, 61-3-470-2424Markaz, 427 William Street, Perth.Abdul Wahab, Perth. 61-9-4596826 |
AUSTRIA | A. Khaleque Qureshi, Masjid Belal, Diefenbachgasse 12/12, 1150 Wien.43-1-9387615, 43-1-7366125 |
AZERBAIZAN | EW S. Uzair M. Ali, Orzhenigidzebskoy, Noboy Gumarbel M3/2F (?) |
BAHAMAS | Jamaat ul Islam, P.O. Box 10711, Nassau. |
BAHRAIN | A Aziz Baluch, P.O. Box 335, Manama. 953-256-707 |
BANGLADESH | Kakrail Masjid, P.O. Ramna, Dhaka. 88-02-239-457 |
BARBADOS | Maulana Yusuf Piprawala, Kensington New Road, Bridgetown. 1-809-426-8767 |
NETHARLAND | Moskee Arrahman (Markaz), Van Ostade str. 393-395, 1074 Amsterdam. (Tramno. 4 dari stesen keretapi) (Al-Kabiri) 31-20-764073 |
BELGIUM | Masjid Noor, Rue Massaux 6, Gemeente Schaarbeek, 1030 Brussels. (MostafaNooni) 32-2-219-7847Masjid Van Slambrouck, Fortuin St. 6, B8400 Oostende. |
BELIZE | Md Riaz, 3132 Kraal Road, Belize City. |
BERMUDA | Md Mosque, Basset Bldg Court, St. Ram, Hamilton. |
BIERA | Omar Osman, P.O. Box 382 (?), Biera. 23260 |
BOLIVIA | Biab Khalil, P.O. Box 216, La Paz. BX 5418 (teleks) |
BRAZIL | A Aziz Alinani, Imam, Centro Islamica, Ax W-5 Norte, Brazil. 55-11-278-6789 |
BRITAIN | Markazi Mosque, South Street, Saville Town, Dewsbury. (Hafez M Patel)44-924-460760, 44-924-46685? (faks)East London Markazi Masjid, 9-11 Christian St, Off Commercial Road,London E1. (Zulfiqar) 44-71-4811294 |
BRUNEI | Hj Jamili Hj Abbas, 647 Kg Lumapas. 673-8-810480, 673-2-337488.jamil@brunet.bnHj Mahadi, Bandar Sri Begawan. 332148 |
BULGARIA | Mufti Basri Osman, Plovdiv. 359-2-233-109 |
CHAD | Masjid-e-Noor, Share Namer, N O’Jamina. (Adam Yusuf Amin) |
CHECHEN | Dudaeb Shakmarze, Ul. Khakalskaya 90/2/42, Grozni. |
CHILIE | Taufiq Rumie, Edwardo Castillo Valesco 1160, Nunoa, Santiago.56-2-496-081, 56-2-294-182 |
CHINA | Hilal D. C. Guangyun, V. C., Stand Comm, East Dist. Peoples Congress, |
DAGASTAN | Habibullah, Sk Mohuddin, village Gubdan, Lewanshowski. |
DENMARK | Shehzad Ahmad, Makki Masjid, Brikegade 4 KLD, N Kobenhavn (Copenhagen).45-43-(35)-361-513 Centre Mosque, Morbaerhaven Block 18 c/4, 2060 Albertslund. 02-454368 |
DUBAI | Shaikh Hamdan, Masjid al Kasis, Al Kasis No. 3, dekat Umm Kulsum Che.. |
IRELAND | Masjid, 7 Harringto Street, Dublin.Dublin Islamic Centre, 163, South Circular Road, Dublin 8.Md Shigara, 21, Wolseley Street, Dublin 3. 353-1-540-027 |
ETHIOPIA | M. M. Kechia, Abu Bakr Masjid, Kwas Maida, Addis Ababa. 251-1-130-208,135-823 (Ibrahim Sufra) |
FERRINGI | Abu Bakar Sulil, Masjid Odiveas, Rua Thomas de Anunciacao 30 R/C Esq,Odiveas 2675, Lisboa. |
FIJI | Noor Ali, Raki Raki Jama Masjid, P.O Box 15, Raki Raki, Fiji. 679-24440,679-94002 |
PHILIPPINES | globo de oro golden mosqe quiapo metro manila philippines.markaj abubakar m.s.u. marawi city mindanao philippines |
FINLAND | Omar Nizamuddin, Puutarhankatu 18A, Helsinki. 358-21-513-572Masjid, Fredrinkatu 33B, 00120 Helsinki 12. 358-0-643-579, 358-0-149-6395Masjid, Abrahaminkatu |
GAMBIA | Abdul Wadood, Arabic Madrassa, Serekunda. |
GHANA | T. Osang, P.O. Box 170A, Rock of Islam Mosque, Labadi, Accra.233-21-663-443, 665-060 |
GUINEA | Md Boye, P.O. Box 12294, Barry, Conakary. |
GUINEA BISSAU | Abayu Bayo, Jamia Kabir, Bissau |
GUYANA | Azim Khan, 35, Kraig Village, East Bank, Demerara. 592-(02)-62269(Georgetown) |
HONGKONG | Masjid Ammar, 40-01 Kwon Road, Wanch.. 5-892-0720 (Md Qadeem, Zafar852-3-5-239-975) |
HUNGARY | A. Hafez, Flat 9, 84 Linen Kurt, Budapest. 36-1-833-905, 36-1-276-0482(Babikir)Dr Izzedin, Estergomiut 56/VII/26, 1138 Budapest.Ibrahim, Fortuna (hotel murah), Szolgaltaro GMk, 1073 BP, Akacf.. |
INDIA | Banglawali Masjid, 168 W. Nizamuddin, Basti Nizamuddin, New Delhi.91-11-494-7137 (faks: Farooq), 617-142 (..) |
INDONESIA | Masjid Jamek, 83 Jalan Hayam Waruk, Kebun Jeruk, Jakarta Barat. (AhmadZulfikar) 62-21-821-236, 639-5585, 682-378Masjid Istiqlal, Jalan Yos Sudarso, Dumai, Sumatra Barat. |
IRAN | Al Amir A Roaf, Masjid e Tauhidi, Zahedan. |
Friday, March 13, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Tongi Ijtima 2013 Part-2
Doa-2.mp3 24-Feb-2013 06:40 8.2M Hedayet - Maulana Sa..> 25-Feb-2013 05:45 53M MaulanaAhmmad Lat.mp3 24-Feb-2013 07:03 48M MaulanaJamil-2.mp3 24-Feb-2013 07:12 36M MaulanaJobaer-1.mp3 24-Feb-2013 08:38 6.0M MaulanaSad-2.mp3 24-Feb-2013 20:31 49M MaulanaSawkat Sb.mp3 24-Feb-2013 07:25 24M
Tongi Ijtima 2013 Part-1
2013 01 11 Maulana S..> 24-Feb-2013 06:11 22M Abdul Wahab Vai.mp3 24-Feb-2013 06:29 7.9M Doa.mp3 24-Feb-2013 06:29 7.8M Hedayet - Maulana Sa..> 25-Feb-2013 05:41 18M MaulanaAhmadLat.mp3 24-Feb-2013 06:52 47M MaulanaIsmail.mp3 24-Feb-2013 06:37 14M MaulanaJamil sb.mp3 24-Feb-2013 06:48 29M MaulanaJobaer.mp3 24-Feb-2013 06:33 13M
TongiIjtema 2012 Part -1
A.Wahab Sb.mp3 18M Mou.A. Lat-Talaba.mp3 22M Mou.Ahmad-Lat.mp3 40M Mou.Ahsan.mp3 27M Mou.Jobaer Doa.mp3 5.0M Mou.Rabiul Haq..mp3 16M Mou.Sad-1.mp3 40M Mou.Sad-2.mp3 41M Mou.Sawkat.mp3 29M
TongiIjtema 2014 Part 2
Tongi Ijtema 2014 Part 2
BhaiFaruq-2.mp3 22M Friday-Fajr-MaulanaJ..> 27M Friday-Magrib-Maulan..> 18M Masturat-Maulana-Abd..> 3.1M MaulanaSaadHedaya-2.mp3 34M MaulanaZubayerDua-2.mp3 9.1M Saturday-Magrib-Maul..> 43M Thursday-Magrib-Bhai..> 15M
TongiIjtema2014 Part 1
Tongi Ijtema 2014 Part 1
Friday-Fajr-MaulanaJ..> 23M Friday-Magrib-Maulan..> 48M MaulanaSaadHedaya-1.mp3 47M Saturday-Magrib-Maul..> 54M Thursday-Magrib-Bhai..> 27M
Sunday, March 8, 2015
TongiIjtema2015 2ndPart
TongiIjtema2015 2ndPart
AhmadLat2.mp3 35M MauSadHidayat2.mp3 50M Maw.Ahsan Sb-2.mp3 31M Maw.Sad Sb-2.mp3 42M Maw.Shawkat sb-2.mp3 29M dua2.mp3 1.8M
TongiIjtema2015 1stPart
TongiIjtema2015 1stPart
MauEhsan.mp3 26M MauJamshed.mp3 18M MauLat.mp3 43M MauLatUlama.mp3 28M MauSad.mp3 45M MauSadHidayat.mp3 49M MauShawkat.mp3 21M dua1.mp3 6.9M
Friday, March 6, 2015
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Nahmaduhu wa Nussalli ala Rasulihil Karim, Amma Ba`ad:
Beloved brothers and elders, Allah Jalla Sanuhu is our khalique (Creator) and Rabbul A`lamin (Sustainer of all). He decorated the sky and the Earth for the human being and created human being for Deen-i-Islam. Peace and success of human lies in obeying deen-i-Islam in this Duniya and hereafter in Akhirat. Deen is the cause of creation of this world and there lies the correction of all our deeds. Deen is a basic and fundamental Niamat and as such it is the most important and best of all other Niamat. Allah tabarak Ta`ala had sent hundreds and thousands Nabi- Rasul in different parts of the world in different ages. They had to do Hizrah from their motherland to other parts of the world with the aim to establish and maintain Deen- living. Hadhrath Adam (A.S) had to go to Ziddah from Srilanka, Ibrahim (A.S) did “Hizrah” from Seriya to Egypt and again from Egypt to Mecca. Rasulullah (SAWS) along with his sahaba-i-kiram did “Hizrah” from Mecca to Medina. Most of the prophets, with a few exception, had to do “Hizrah” for Deen. Hizrah for Deen is Sunnatul Ambia. We some brothers have come here to-day for Deen-i-Islam temporarily. Our aim and purpose is to follow Ambia (A.S), Specially Rasulullah (SAWS) and his Sahaba-i-kiram (R.A).
Two Jamats of Sahaba-i-kiram, consisting of one Jamat 16 prsons and another Jamat 102 prsons including some female went Habasha (present Ethiopia) where Christian king gave them food, cloth, shelter, security etc but did not co-operate the Muslims was not establish there. Rasulullah (SAWS) himself went Taif. The people did not accept Deen-i-Islam rather resisted him and tortured him severely.
Rasulullah (SAWS) along with a big Jamat of Shaba-i-kiram called Muhazir, went Median. The people of Medina cordially welcome them, said “Ahlan, Sahalan, Marhaba, Marhaba”. The people of Median, called Ansar, helped the Muhazir and gave them food, clothes’ shelter, share of their property, wealth as like as own brother. They accepted Deen-i-Islam, took-part in the Jihad and co-operated the Muhazir for the cause of Islam inside and outside the country. As a result, Islam was not only established in their country but flourished and propagated from Median to the corners of the world. Rasulullah (SAWS) made du`waa for the Ansars, their sons and grandsons; Rasulullah (SAWS) loved them much and such he did not go back to Mecca, He is sleeping now in Median with the Ansars till the Day of Qiyamat.
So my brother Muhazir of Mecca came Medina with empty pocket. As a result Ansar helped and co-operated them in all sides. But we come here with wealth to fulfill our worldly needs, we want whole hearted co-operation form you for the sake of Deen. We are expecting some time from you for ghust-Da`waa in this locality and Mozakara among us. If you co-operate us, you will also be given same rewards what has been given to the Answars. Allah Ta`barak Ta`ala says ;
والدين امنوا و ها جروا وجهدوا فى سبيلالله و الدين اوواو نصروا اولءك هم المومنون حقا لهم مغفرة ورزق كريم (sura: Anfal)
If is the responsibility of all Muslim
to do the work of Da`waa whole heartedly .
My brothers, birds cannot fly without two
wings, Fan does not move without two wires - negative and positive likewise
Deen cannot be living and flourishing in the locality or any parts of the
world, without joint effort, co-operation of Muhazir and Ansar. There is no difference
between you and we. We, this Jamat consists of ordinary peoples, Businessmen
and brothers from deferent profession,
such as workers, engineers, doctors, teacher, professor, aleem and so on, like
you the people of this locality.
We should be anxious as to how Deen will get into our bodies, souls, homes, family, society, states and even countries, all over the world. If we take part whole heartedly to this noble cause and struggle practically, by the grace of Allah Jalla Sanuhu, Deen will remain living and flourishing throughout the world from your locality and all we get rewards in Duniya and hereafter Akhirat Insa-Allaho-Ta`ala.
Let us make Ni`aat to co-operate this
Jamat if and when possible, whether in the morning or evening, day or in night.
Now we need Moswara in this regard with you after Duwaa.
Now we need Moswara in this regard with you after Duwaa.
GHUST (Umumi Da’waa)
of Ghust-Da’waa,
of Ambia (A.S) particularly of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.S) and his Sahaba-i-
of Ghust (Da’waa),
of Ghust)
Alhamdullilahi Rabbil A`l amin.Nahmaduhu Wa Nusallee ala Rasoolehil Karim Amma Baad- Beloved brothers, elders and companions
(Importance:) Allah Ta’barak
Ta’ala created this universe, sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, trees,
fruits, foods, drinks, animals of endless series and species as well as other
things. All these have been created for the benefits of human beings whereas
human beings have been created for Deen-i-Islam i.e for E-badat,
obeying the commandments of Allah subhanahoo Ta’ala and seek his pleasure.
The aim and purpose of creation of the
whole Being is to establish Deen in the mankind. Deen is the basic and
fundamental thing. Deen is just like a soul in the body of the world, if the
soul exists, the body can work and move, If the soul vanishes the body and a
stone are just alike. It can neither work nor move.
In the same sense, if Deen exists in the
world, the whole system will work properly and if Deen vanishes, Allah Jalla
Sanuhoo will roll back the world wrapping up the whole Being and declaring
Qiyamat, So “Deen” is the cause of creation and maintaining the world.
What is “Deen”? “Deen” is
the injunction of Allah Tabarak Ta’ala
and Tarika of Ambia (A.S). “Deen”
has come into existence through Ghust- Da’waa, i.e. calling the people
towards Allah Jallah Sanuhoo. The
Almighty Allah says:
احسن قولاممن دعاالي الله و عمل صالحا و قال انني من المسلمين
“And whose words can be better than his,
who calls (people) towards Allah, and perform good deeds, and says, I am one of
those who are muslims (Ha-meem,
Sajda) For
this, hundreds and hundreds of Ambia’s (A.S) i.e.Nabi-Rasul had been sent in
different parts of the world in different ages. Hadrath Adam, Nooh, Zakaria, Ibrahim, Moosa,
Essa (A.W.S) are a few of them. All of them had nothing to do other than to
do.Ghust–Da’waa door to door of the peoples, they all called the peoples
towards Kalima-
لااله الالله
“Laa-i-laha i llallah
” i.e
to accept the oneness of Almighty Allah
and obey his commandments so that they (people) may be success in Duniya and there- after Akhirat. Akhir,
Allah Jallah Sanuhoo sent our Holy prophet Muhammadur Rasulullah (S.A.W.S) towards
the whole mankind and till Qiyamath (Days of resurrection)
Ghust-Da’waa (Jaula) is
walking door to door with Da’waa, i.e. to call the people towards The Almighty
Allah Jalla Sanuhoo. It is most important and un-avoidable one for the establishment
and survival as well as propagation of “Deen” in Duniya. Rasulullah
(S.A.W.S) gave Da”waa to the peoples of Mecca day and night towards Allah. He (S.A.W.S) would walk in the streets, go to
the markets and say, “O people Kuloo Laa-i-laha Illallahu tooflehoo. “ He would
go to the doors of the people, knock them and invite them towards Islam.
Similarly, he would visit the tents at Meena to the people coming from outside
of Mecca for Hajj. Sahaba –I-Kiram followed the same path of Rasulullah
(S.A.W.S) and did Ghust –Da’waa sometimes jointly in a Jamat and sometimes
alone. However, Deen has come into existence and is living in different parts throughout the world, due
to constant and repeated Ghust –Da’waa for obeying the commandments of Allah
Ta’ala in the Tarika of Rasulullah (S.A.W.S).
of Prophets:) Allah Ta’ala sent Ambia (A.S) in every time and age to establish
and propagate Deen-I-Islam in different corners of the world. They did Ghust and
gave Da’waa to the people of their areas.
A few from each nation (Kaom) in every age accepted this Kalimaلااله الالله “ Laa-i-laha Illallah”.
But disbelieved and opposed by the majority. The disbelievers resisted the
Ambia (A.S) strongly. Ambia (A.S) had to struggle and tried their level best
with body, soul, wealth property etc. whatever they had to establish Deen in
their areas. Some of the Ambias (A.S) were expelled from their homeland,
Someone was thrown into fire. Some were bitten inhumanly, tortured and even
martyred. After the death of Nabi/Rasul, Ghust Da’waa had been stopped in that
area. As a result, Deen had gone away from the hearts of the believers, all
became disbelievers. For example, because of Ghust-Da’waa of Hadrath Ibrahim and Ismail(A.S)
Deen- i- Islam had been established in Mecca. After the death of both
prophets Ghust-Da’waa was stopped, people forgot their Deen-i-Islam gradualy,
and disbelieved about Almighty power and Oneness of Allah Tabarak Tala. They brought 360 idles in the Holy Ka`ba and all
of them became idle worshiper, Kafir as a whole.
Lastly our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (S.A.W.S)
was sent to Mecca for whole of the world as a last prophet. All peoples of
Mecca refused him strongly, except a few. The peoples of Mecca teased him, opposed him seriously. They
tortured him inhumanly and pressed him hardly to give up Ghust-Da’waa. But
Rasulullah (S.A.W.S) courageously replied, “I have been sent only for this work
of Ghust-Da’waa. Either Deen will be established in Duniya or I will be perished”.
He travelled to Taif and did Ghust to
three leaders of the clan separately and placed before each of them the message
of Allah and called them towards Him. But they refused to listen him and treated
him most contemptuously and rudely. They told Rasulullah (S.A.W.S) to leave
their town. When he was returning back to his house, they set the street
urchins after him to hiss, to hoot, to jeer and to stone him. He was so much
pelted at with stones that his whole body was covered with blood and his shoes
were clogged to his feet. He left the town in the woeful plight. When he was
far out of the locality and safe from rable, he complained to Allah for his
feebleness of strength, prayed for more strength to please Almighty Allah and
hoped that there will be persons from among their progeny who will do Ebadat of
Allah and serve His cause.
Sahaba-I-Kiram Hadrath AbuBakar, Omar,
Usman Ali, Billal, Khabbab, Abu Zar, and so forth (R.A) were also ill-treated because of Da`waa of
Deen and suffered a unbelievable torture in the same manner as the prophets and
their companions had been in the past.
Ghust-Da’waa is the backbone of Deen. Deen
will not be living if there is no Ghust-Da’waa. And if there is no Deen, Duniya
will not survive.
Ghust-Da’waa is called Ummul (mother) of all Amal.
There is peace, tranquility and success of mankind in Deen as like as peace and happiness of fish in water.
Ghust-Da’waa is called Ummul (mother) of all Amal.
There is peace, tranquility and success of mankind in Deen as like as peace and happiness of fish in water.
of Ghust-Da’waa:
- Whoever spends one morning or evening in the path of Allah, his rewards will be much better than the whole world and whatever is in it.
- Anyone whosefeet are covered with dust in the path of Allah, the fire of Jahannam will never touch them.
- Whoever spends a while in the path of Allah it will be better than salaat of 60 years performed at home.
- One word on the path of Allah Ta’ala is better than Nafl Ebadat for one year. ( Mukashafatul Kulub Part 1)
- Hadith heard by Abu Bakar (R.A) that whoever puts one step in the path of Allah Ta’ala. will be rewarded by 700 boons, forgiven 700 sins and his position will be raised at Jannah by 700 times.
- Waiting little while in the path of Allah is better than Ebadat whole night in Lailatul Quadar in front of Hazre Aswad at Ka`ba in Mecca.
- However there is no alternative of Ghust for maintaining Deen and correct our Deeds. But who will do it?
(S.A.W.S) is the last and best Nabi, there is no Nabi/ Rasul after him.Allah
Ta’ala has choosen us as the best Ummat and given the responsibilites to do
Ghust- Dawaa till the Day of Qiamat.The highway marked by Allah Subhanahoo
Ta’ala is that;
قل هده سبيلى ادعوا الى الله على بصيره انا ومن
“O Muhammad (S.A.W.S) say(the peaple that) this is my path and I invite you towards Allah Ta’ala Knowingly.I and my followers too.” (sura: Yousuf-108)
So it is the responsibility of all
Muslim till Qiamat to do Ghust-Dawaa to call the people for obeying the commandments
of Allah Ta’ala in the Tarika of Rasulullah so that everyone may be successful
in life in Duniya and Akhirat.
Sahaba-i-kiram realised and believed it
from the core of their hearts.They gave a lot of sacrifices.They spent whole
lives for the sacred cause.They left homes, property, children, everythings for
unknown parts of the world, ate leaves walked bare-footed,tolarated troubles
and all calamities for establishing and living Deen by dint of this sacred
cause(as like
as Diamond) they have been successful in lives.
Allah Jalla Sanuhoo has been kind to us to put us on the path of practical call and bless us to come out for His sacred cause and Graced us to sit in the environment where the whole thinking is carried out, how to make the Deen living and flourishing. Now we go to our Muslim brothers in general, door to door so that Deen will come into our bodies,homes,families, societies, states, countries and all over the world.Are we all ready to shoulder this noble job like Diamond’ now?
Adab/ Tartib of Umumi Ghust:
Allah Jalla Sanuhoo has been kind to us to put us on the path of practical call and bless us to come out for His sacred cause and Graced us to sit in the environment where the whole thinking is carried out, how to make the Deen living and flourishing. Now we go to our Muslim brothers in general, door to door so that Deen will come into our bodies,homes,families, societies, states, countries and all over the world.Are we all ready to shoulder this noble job like Diamond’ now?
Adab/ Tartib of Umumi Ghust:
Every Jihad, has its own manner, Ghust,
being a Jihad has also its Adabs/ Manners.If we observe those adabs, we shall
get all the benefits of Ghust-Da’waa.Some of those are:
Jamat consisting of 3 to 10 brothers including one” Rahbar” from the locality.
One “Mutakallim”, one “Jimedar” and some others as “Mamoor”will go outside of
Masjid to call the local general Muslim for participating in “Mozakara” held in
the Masjid.
jamat will remain inside the Masjid. Out of them one brother will talk about
“Iman and Eakin” and other will listen to him attentively.One will do Zikr and
another brother will do ‘Estikbal’ to those who will come from outside the
Jamat for Ghust will make Du’waa outside the Masjid and go door to door of the locality
by walking on the right side of a street.
of the Jamat, except ‘Rahbar’ keep their eyes down, do not look here and there
and will not talk with each other.
the Jamat will walk Ma’moors do Zikr in their tongue and ponder about Deen in
the heart. When Mutakallim will give
Da’waa to any brother, Zikr will be stopped at that time, all will listen to
the Mutakallim. No Mamoor will speak anything. If any, Jimedar can speak.
the Umumi Ghust, nobody of the Jamat will enter in any shop or house whatever,
nor stand in front of the gate, window, door of the house etc.
the Jamat will meet and talk with Muslim. It is important to consider him to be
better than any brother of this Jamat.
from locality will take this Jamat door to door, knock the door up to three
times. If any brother comes out, he will introduce him to the mutakallim.
on behalf of the Jamat will talk about Tauhid( Greatness and oneness of the
Almighty Allah). the Resalaat of Rasulullah (S.A.W.S) and Akhirat i.e about the
life after death (in brief) and give him Da’waa to come the Mosjid cash.
of the Jamat will take care of the Jamat, help the Mutakallim and others, If
any, he will guide the Jamat.
the time will over or the area will be covered Jamat will come back with Istegfar
straight to the Masjid and sit all of them where talk about Iman and Eakin will
How can this finds its our way in our lives? How can we achieve success?
Talk in Umumi
a) Tauheed
Da’waa maybe for example:)
Assalamuwalaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa
بسم الله الرحمن
Alhamdulillah,we some brothers from
different parts, have come to the Masjid of your locality to meet you in
respect of Deen-i- Islam. You and we are all Muslims by dint of Kalima لااله الالله محمد رسول الله Laa-
i-laha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah.
Now we are brothers each other because
of this Kalima. Allah Ta’ala is Wahid (one) he has no Sharik (Partner). He got
almighty power. None can do anything but Allah Tabarak Ta’ala. He can do
everything whatever He wishes. He has created us. Gives us Rizk (Food Cloth
whatever we need) wealth, family, Hayat (life) Maut (death) etc. He is our Rob
(Sustainer). Mohammad (S.A.W.S) is our Rasul ( his messanger). Allah Ta’ala
sent him with the information about Akhirat, Quranul Karim revealed on him. We
must have to leave this temporary world and go to our permanent shelter Akhirat.
We need peace and success in the life of Akhirat also in Duniya. Peace and
success lies in obeying the commandments of Almighty Allah in the Tarika of
Mohammadur Rasululah (S.A.W.S). We obey but not fully due to our Naafs.
How can this finds its our way in our lives? How can we achieve success?
It requires strong efforts and Mujahida.
For this purpose important talks are taking place in the Masjid.If you spend a
little time in the Masjid,You will be benefitted. We hope, you will kindly
accompany us now cash. Allah Jallah Sanuhu may grace you with best rewards.
Please accompany with us cash.
Daily A’mal of 5 T:
e Quraan
Things to do more:
1. Dawat
2. Talim
3. Zikr
& E-badat
4. Khidmat
Things to do less:
time in eating
time in sleeping
time in necessities
time outside Masjid
Things not to do at all.We
not ask (beg) by tongue,
not desire(pretend) by heart,
not use any body`s belongings without prior permission
not be extravagant.
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