Saturday, April 18, 2015

Muslim Baby Boys & Girls Names 2

Muslim Boy Names

101 Abdul Rabb Slave of the Lord
102 Abdul Rafi Slave of the Exalter
103 Abdul Raheem Servant of the Most Compassionate
104 Abdul Rahim Slave of the Compassionate
105 Abdul Rahman Servant of the merciful one
106 Abdul Raqib Slave of the Vigilant
107 Abdul Rauf Servant of the merciful
108 Abdul Tawwab Slave of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting
109 Abdul Waali Civilised
110 Abdul Wahid Slave of the Unique
111 Abdul Wajid Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver
112 Abdul Wakil Slave of the Trustee
113 Abdul Waliy Respectable man
114 Abdul Wasi Slave of the All Embracing
115 Abdul-Aalee Servant of the Most High
116 Abdul-Adheem Servant of the Most Great
117 Abdul-Aleem Servant of the All-Knowing
118 Abdul-Baaqi Servant of the Everlasting
119 Abdul-Baari Servant of the Evolver
120 Abdul-Baasit Servant of the Expander
121 Abdul-Barr Servant of the source of Goodness
122 Abdul-Dhahir Servant of the Manifest
123 Abdul-Ghaffar Servant of the forgiver
124 Abdul-Ghafur Servant of the All-Forgiving
125 Abdul-Ghani Servant of the Self-Sufficient
126 Abdul-Hadi Servant of the Guide
127 Abdul-Hafeedh Servant of the Preserver
128 Abdul-Hakeem Servant of the Wise
129 Abdul-Haleem Slave of he who is one (Allah)
130 Abdul-Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy
131 Abdul-Haqq Servant of the Truth
132 Abdul-Haseeb Servant of the Reckoner
133 Abdul-Jabbar Servant of the Compeller
134 Abdul-Jaleel Servant of the Sublime One
135 Abdul-Kareem Servant of the Most Generous
136 Abdul-Khaliq Servant of the Creator
137 Abdul-Lateef Servant of the Subtle One
138 Abdul-Majeed Servant of the Most Glorious
139 Abdul-Majid Servant of the Noble
140 Abdul-Malik Servant of the Sovereign Lord
141 Abdul-Mu'eid Servant of the Restorer
142 Abdul-Mu'izz Servant of the Honourer
143 Abdul-Mughni Servant of the Enricher
144 Abdul-Mujeeb Servant of the Responsive
145 Abdul-Mumin Servant of the Guardian of Faith
146 Abdul-Muqtadir Servant of the Powerful
147 Abdul-Muta'alee Servant of the Most Exalted
148 Abdul-Nur Servant of the Light
149 Abdul-Qaadir Servant of the Able
150 Abdul-Qahhar Servant of the Subduer
151 Abdul-Qaiyoum Servant of the Self-Sustaining
152 Abdul-Quddus Servant of the Holy
153 Abdul-Rasheed Servant of the rightly guided
154 Abdul-Rashid Servant of the rightly guided
155 Abdul-Waajid Servant of the Finder
156 Abdul-Wadood Servant of the Loving
157 Abdul-Wahhab Servant of the Bestower
158 Abdul-Warith Servant of the Supreme Inheritor
159 Abdullah Servant of Allah
160 Abdur Rahman Slave of Allah
161 Abdur Rashid Slave of the Guide
162 Abdur Razzaq Slave of the provider
163 Abdur-Raheem Servant of the Most Merciful
164 Abdur-Rahman Servant of the Most Gracious
165 Abdur-Raqeeb Servant of the Watchful
166 Abdur-Rasheed Servant of the Guide to Right Path
167 Abdur-Rauf Servant of the Compassionate
168 Abdur-Razzaq Servant of the Provider
169 Abdus Name of the narrator of one of the hadith
170 Abdus Sabur Slave of the Forbearing
171 Abdus Salaam Slave of the Giver of Peace
172 Abdus Samad Slave of the Eternal, The Independent
173 Abdus Sami Slave of the All Hearing
174 Abdus Sattar Slave of the one who conceals faults
175 Abdus Shafi Slave of the Healer
176 Abdus Subbooh Slave of the Extremely pure
177 Abdus-Sabour Servant of the Patient
178 Abdus-Salaam Servant of the Source of Peace
179 Abdus-Samad Servant of the Eternal
180 Abdus-Sameei Servant of the All-Hearing
181 Abdus-Shaheed Servant of the Witness
182 Abdus-Shakur Servant of the Appreciative
183 Abdush Shahid Slave of the Witness
184 Abid Worshipper
185 Abrad Slave of the Sustainer
186 Abdul Muqsit Hail, Mail
187 Abrar Piety
188 Abrash Spotted, Speckled
189 Absi Probably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn
Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829
190 Abt'hi He was a narrator of Hadith
191 Abdul Nafi The Son Of Ali
192 Abyadr Slave of the Helper
193 Abyan Eloquent
194 Abzari Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and
memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name
195 Adam A Prophet's Name
196 Adawi Grandson of Sayyindina Umer
197 Adbul-Qawi Servant of the Most Powerful
198 Adeeb A literary Person
199 Adeel Just
200 Adeem Rare


Muslim Baby Boys & Girls Names

Muslim Boy Names

1 Aaban Name of the Angel
2 Aabid Worshiper
3 Aadil Just, Upright
4 Aahil Prince
5 Aalam World
6 Aalee Sublime, high
7 Aalim Religious Scholar
8 Aamil Doer, Work man
9 Aamir Civilised
10 Aaqib Follower
11 Aaqil Intelligent
12 Aarif Knowing, aware
13 Aariz Respectable man
14 Aaryan Of Utmost strength
15 Aashif Bold, courageous
16 Aashir Living
17 Aasif An able minister
18 Aasim Person who keeps away from sins
19 Aatif Kind Affectionate
20 Aaus Name of a tree
21 Aayan God's gift
22 Aazim Determined
23 Abaan Old Arabic name
24 Abbas Gloomy look
25 Abd Al-Ala Slave of the High
26 Abdul Aalee Servant of the Most High
27 Abdul Adl Slave of the just
28 Abdul Afuw Slave of the one who pardons
29 Abdul Ahad Slave of he who is one (Allah)
30 Abdul Aleem Servant of the Omniscient
31 Abdul Ali Slave of the High one
32 Abdul Alim Slave of the All knowing
33 Abdul Awwal Slave of the First One
34 Abdul Azeez The servant of the most powerful
35 Abdul Azim Slave of the great
36 Abdul Aziz Servant of the powerful one
37 Abdul Baari Servant of the Creator
38 Abdul Baasit Servant of the Extender and Creator
39 Abdul Badee Slave of the originator
40 Abdul Baith Slave of the one who raises death
41 Abdul Baqi Slave of the Eternal
42 Abdul Bari Slave of the creator
43 Abdul Baseer Slave of the All-seeing
44 Abdul Batin Slave of the unseen
35 Abdul Fattah Slave of the opener, slave of the giver of victory
36 Abdul Ghafaar Servant of the Forgiver
47 Abdul Ghafoor Servant of the Forgiver
48 Abdul Hafeez Slave of the Protector
49 Abdul Hafiz Slave of the Guardian
50 Abdul Hakam Servant of the Arbitrator
51 Abdul Hakeem Servant of the Wise
52 Abdul Haleem Servant of the Mild and Patient
53 Abdul Halim Slave of the Wise
54 Abdul Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised
55 Abdul Hamid Slave of the Praiseworthy
56 Abdul Hannan Slave of the Merciful
57 Abdul Haq Servant of the Truth
58 Abdul Haseeb Servant of the Respected and Esteemed
59 Abdul Hasib Slave of the Reckoner
60 Abdul Hayy Slave of the Living
61 Abdul Jabaar Servant of the Mighty
62 Abdul Jaleel Servant of the Great and Revered
63 Abdul Jawwad Slave of the Bountiful
64 Abdul Kabir Slave of the Great
65 Abdul Kareem Servant of the Noble and Generous
66 Abdul Karim Slave of the Gracious
67 Abdul Khabir Slave of the one who is aware
68 Abdul Lateef Servant of the Kind
69 Abdul Maajid Slave of the Excellence
70 Abdul Maalik Slave of the Master, the Lord
71 Abdul Majeed Servant of the Glorious
72 Abdul Mani Slave of one who prevents
73 Abdul Mannan Slave of the Benefactor
74 Abdul Mateen Slave of the Firm
75 Abdul Mubdee Slave of the Originator
76 Abdul Mueed Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer
77 Abdul Muhaimin Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian and the Protector
78 Abdul Muhaymin Slave of the Protector
79 Abdul Muhsin Slave of the Benefactor
80 Abdul Muhyee Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it
81 Abdul Muiz Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory
82 Abdul Mujeeb Servant of the Responder
83 Abdul Munim Slave of the Generous
84 Abdul Muntaqim Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution
85 Abdul Muqeet Slave of the Sustainer
86 Abdul Muqsit Slave of the Just
87 Abdul Musawwir Slave of the Fashioner
88 Abdul Mutaal Servant of the Most High
89 Abdul Muti Slave of the Giver
90 Abdul Muzanni He was a narrator of Hadith
91 Abdul Nafi Slave of the Propitious
92 Abdul Naseer Slave of the Helper
93 Abdul Noor Slave of the one who is Light
94 Abdul Qaadir Servant of the Capable
95 Abdul Qadeer Slave of the Powerful
96 Abdul Qadir Slave of the Powerful
97 Abdul Qahaar Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty
98 Abdul Qayyum Slave of the Self-Subsistent
99 Abdul Qudoos Servant of the Most Holy
100 Abdul Raafi Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One whoElevates


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Markaz List World Wide

Tablighi Jamaat Markaz List World Wide Part-2
Location Address
IRAQ Sk Kazim, Montaga Buhimania Al Karich, Share Mar’uf, Baghdad.
ITALY El Amrani, 3231 Via Vanzetti No. 3, Cita di Sudi (Cascino Rosa), Milano.39-10-952-20?, 39-6-802-258Masjid, Via Bertoloni 22/24, RomaMasjid,Via Berthollet 24, TorinoMasjid, Via de Groce 3 (Tingkat 4), Trieste
GIBRALTAR Masjid Cesemate Sq., Main Street, Gibraltar. 350-73058
JAMAICA Naeem A. Muta’ali, Muslim Community, 54 Wildman Street, Kingston.1-809-9283516 (Akbar), 9286789 (Naeem)Islamic Center of Jamaica, 134 1/2 King Street, Kingston.
JAPAN Markaz Islaho Tarbiyat (Ichnowari), 1-1-6 Bingonishi, Kasukabe-Shi,Saitama-Ken, Tokyo 334.Ibrahim Ken Okubo, Room 105, Bingo Higashi1-22-20, Kasukabe Shi, Saitama Ken, Tokyo 344. 0487-36-2767 (tel)04-8738-0699 (faks)Syed Sohel 04-8736-2767Masjid Darus Salam, 772, Oaza Sakai, Sakai Machi, Sawa-gun, GunmaKen.Hafiz Afzal 030-146-1419Masjid Shin Anjo (Nagoya), Bangunan Kamimoto, Tingkat Satu, 1-11-15,Imaike-cho, Anji-Shi, Aichi Ken. Najimuddin 030-56-32101Nufail030-56-50432, 056-698-9408Masjid Takwa (Chiba), Sanbu-Machi, Sanbu-Gun, Ametsubo 65-12, Chiba Ken(dekat stesen JR Hyuga).Lokman 043-444-5464, 030-067-9223Shamin 010-404-4748Makki Mosque (Narimasu, Tokyo), stesen Narimasu (Tobu line).Asraf010-609-2479Markaz Hon-Atsugi (Kanagawa). 0462-27-5936Islamic Center, 1-16-11 Ohara Setagayu ku, Tokyo 156. 03-7870916, 4606169Islamic Center, C Hoko Mansion 4-33-10 Kitazawa, Setagaya ku, Tokyo 156.Nerima K. K. Mati, 1-30-17 Kopsaki 205, Tokyo. 81-3-450-6820,81-3-553-7665 (Ismail), faks 81-3-458-3967A. Aziz Mecavale, 175 Kumitashi Cho, Tokyo. (d/a Akarim Seth)
GERMANY Md. Nawaz, Masjid, Muenchener str. 21, Frankfurt. (06175)1673, (0221)550..Md. Nawaz, Berliner str. 31, 6374 Steinbach. (06171) 75360Barbaros Gamii (masjid), Kyffhavser str. 26 (dekat Barbarossa Platz), 5Koeln 1 (Cologne). (Husseinbeg Firat 467477, Zia) 0211-213870Masjid, Lindower str. 18-19, 1000 Berlin 65. (030) 4617026Masjid, Landwehr str. 25, Muenchen (Munich). (dekat stesen keretapi)Masjid, Steindamm, Hamburg. (dekat stesen keretapi)Masjid, Haupsletter str. 715, Stuttgart. 0711-6406775
JIBOUTI Salem Ahmad, Deeday Masjid, P.O. Box 730, Djibouti. 253-762-189, 5818FIANEA (teleks)
JORDAN Md Mustafa Al Wafai, Masjid Madeenat al Hujjaj, Mukhayam Het.. 962-6-774-257
KAMEROON Osmany c/o Alhaj Md, P.O. Box 19, Marwah.237-291-5.
CANADA Medina Masjid, 1015 Danforth Ave., Toronto. (Ismail Patel / AnjumMohammad)1-416-465-7833.
KAZAKHASTAN Baba Khanov, Muslim Religious Board of Central Asia, Alma Ata.
KENYA A. Shakoor, Londi Mosque, sebelah balai polis Kamakunsi, Nairobi.254-2-764-224, 254-2-340-965
KIBRIS Ahmet Cetkin, Harika Camii, Palamud Sok No. 11, Asa Marao.
SOUTH KOREA Imam Qamaruddin, Masjid Annur, GPO Box 10896, Seoul. 82-2-556-…
COSTA RICA Mostafa Md Imam, Centro Islamico, Dasamprados Casa 7-16, San Jose.506-272-878
KUWAIT A Rashid Haroon, Subhan Markaz, Al Mantiga Sinaere, Kuwait.
LAOS Maulana Qamaruddin Noori, Masjid India, P.O Box 617, Vientianne.
LIBERIA S M Azmat Subzwari, Randall Street Mosque, Monrovia.
LIBYA Mustafa Kuraitty, Jame al Badri, Bab bib Ghasher, Tripoli. 218-61-72138
LEBNON A Hasib Sar Hal, Imam Ali ut Tariq Jadidah, dekat Madrasah Farooq, Beirut.
LUXEMBURG Islamic Centre, Route Darlon 2, Mamar. (S. B. Khan Afridi) 352-311-695
MADAGASKAR Yakub Patel, P.O.Box 101, Tamatave. 261-5-33202
MOROCCO Alhaj Ali, Masjid en Noor, Hayya Araha 61, Darul Baida, Casablanca.212-366-483
MALAWI Ebrahim Makda, Juma Masjid, Kamuza Proc. Road, Lilongwe. 265-720216
MALAYSIA Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling, Bandar Baru Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.60-3-9580515. 60-3-7595063 (Madrasah Miftahul Ulum). 60-3-7586134 (faks:Hj Khalid)Abdul Wahid, Kota Kinabalu. 088-232994 ®, 088-225081
MALDIVE Ibrahim Hassan, G. Aabin, Male Island.
MALI Ismail, Markaz Haidara, P.O. Box 1551, Bamako.
MALTA Md El Sadi, Islamic Centre, Corradino Road, P.O. Box 11, Paola, Malta.
MAURITIANA Daud Ahmad, Masjid Shurfa, P.O. Box 14, Nouakchott.
MAURITIUS Masjid Nur, Gora Issac St., Port Louis. 230-2424904Mir AM Soorma, Shaukat Islam Mosque, P.O.Box 328, Port Louis. 230-26..
MEXICO Mir Y Ali, Norte 40A, No. 3612A, Col 7 de Noviembre, Mexico DF.. 537-1138
EGYPT Masjid Anas bin Malik, Madinatul Muhaddithin, Share Iraqu Giza, Cairo.20-2-702-804, 20-2-348-6185
MOZAMBIQUE Md Rafiq Ahmad, Av Dazambia 305, I C Flat 4, Maputo
MYANMAR B. A. Ground Mosque, dekat stesen keretapi Rangoon. 95-1-74436, 3100 (Bhay)
NEW ZEALAND Abdul Samad Bhikoo, Auckland Mosque, 17 Vermont Street, Ponsonby,Auckland. 64-9-3764437Masjid AnNur, Christchurch. 64-3-3483930 Ishan Othman, Dunedin. 64-3-4767121
NIGER Yahya Sa’ati, Sooq al Kabir, dekat Mohatta Sayarat, Niamey.
NIGERIA Hamza Oshodi, Central Mosque, 37 Church Road, Saban Gari, Kano.
NORWAY K. M. Riaz, Bilal Masjid, Tordenskjolds Gt. 86, 3044 Drammen. Islamic Centre, Nosdahlbruns Gt. 22, Oslo 1.
OMAN Masud Harthi, Jame Khalid ibni Walid, Assib, Muscat.
PAKISTAN AlHaj A. Wahab, Madrassa Arabia, Raiwind, Lahore, Makki Masjid, Garden Road, Karachi
PANAMA A F Bhikoo, Jama Masjid, 3rd Street & Mexico Avenue, Panama City.
PANTAI GADING Md Amin (Jallo), Masjid Ahlesunnah, P.O. Box 110, Danane. -(225)-635-320(Boike town)
ILLIONIS Sh. Yunus Tlili, Masjid Rahman, Ave. Paul Vaillent Couturier 52, 93200St Denis. 33-1-, Marseille, Rue Malaval 24, 13002 Marseille. 91908047
PERU Naguib Atala, Casilla 3134, Lima. 51-14-294-620
POLAND Yakub, ul. Piastowska 77, Bialistok.Masjid, ul. Abrama 17A, Gdansk.Boguslaw Zagorski, ul. Rozlogi 6 Apt. 51, Warszawa (Warsaw).
PUERTO RICA Arab Cultural Club, Km 5, KMO 65th Inf Ave, Rio Piepras, PR0092.
QATAR Abdullah Ahmad, Masjid Mantaya Sanaiya, P.O.Box 40621, Doha.
REUNION Yusuf Lockati, Masjid Nurul Islam, 97400 St Denis.
ROMANIA Masjid, Ovidiu Square, Constanta.
RUSSIA Masjid, Prospect Mira (dekat Olympic Station), Moscow. 281-4904Sayyid Akhtar, Moscow.
RWANDA MASJID AL QUDSP.O.BOX 660KIGALIRWANDA+250 788473100+250 788566781SENEGALSk Ahmad, Masjid Al Noor, P.O. Box 1955, Colobane, Dakar. 221-223-262
SIERRA LONNE Hassan Taravaly, 4 Rush Street, Circular Road, Freetown.
SINGAPORE Masjid Angulia, Serangoon Road. 02-2971624Hj Jufri, Block 210 #07-91, Tapines Street 23. 02-7832358Hj Hassan 02-4442312Najmuddin 02-2914742Abdul Karim 02-4439294
SOMALIA S Sheraff, Masjid e Dawat, Magaiscia. 252-1-81963
SPAIN Musa Taha, Mezquita Ataqua, Calle Correo Viejo – 4, Albaicine, Granada.34-58-255-611
SRILANKA Markez Islamic Centre150, Lukmanjee Square, Grandpass RoadColombo 14, SRI LANKA.Telephone: 0094-11-2325910Tel/Fax: 0094-11-2434535
SUDAN Dr D H Khalili, Masjid Hamddab, Ash Shaharah, Khartoum. 249-11-222428
SURINAM Mufti B Piprawala, Masjid Taedul Islam, Mutton Shop 10B, Paramaribo.597-81394
SWAZILAND Md Hassan, P.O. Box 201, Maikerns. 83327
SWEDEN Markaz, Tarsgatan 91, Stockholm. 46-8-334-490 (A Raof), 46-8-750-8511 (SZaidi)Dr M Piar Ali, Tarsgatan 45B, StockholmTonsbergsgatan 4, 3TR, 16434 Kista. 46-8-719-3215 (P Ali)Masjid, Gamlagatan, Uppsala. 46-18-21998281
SWITZERLAND Hussain Osmani, Muslim Association, 2-A Linderain str Post F 1650, 30012Berne. 41-31-228-396, 556-321Masjid, Chemin Colladon 34, Petit Saconnex, Geneva. (Tram no. 12) 7987311Islamic Center, Narstr. 19, Zurich.Masjid, Tingkat 3, Ausstellungstr. 21, Zurich.
SYRIA A M M Hosni, Razaqul-Jin-Sary, Zaid b Sabit, Merchant Modaiya, Damascus.
SHARJAH Ali Bhai Patel, Al Futiaim Motors, P.O. Box 5819. 971-6-548-629
TAZAKISTAN A Rahim Mostafa, Masjid Shah Mansoor, ul. Wasfe, Dushanbe.
TAIWAN Chinese Muslim Association, 62 H’sin Shen South Rd, Sec 2, Taipeh.886-2-522-4473Nurrdin Hsueh Wen Ching, P.O. Box 1430, Kaohsiung. 886-7-7498749,886-7-5215771
TANZANIA Sayed Mohsin, Medina Masjid, P.O. Box 5050, Dar es Salam. 255-61-26455
THAILANH Hanif A. Shakur, Masjid Aslam, Bangkaoli, Bangkok. 662-235-3956..Markaz, Minburi. (30 km dari pusat Bangkok)Markaz, Yala.
TOGO Imam Ratib, Sk Al Hassan, Grand Mosque, Zongo, Lome.
TRINIDAD 1. Raziff Ghany, Monroe Road Masjid, Monroe Road, Cunupia. 809-650-19852. Masjid Rahma, (Recently updated at 2010/09/29 after getting a message)Bejucal Road,Cunupia.Tel/ Fax : (868)-693-0667
TUNISIA Mestaoui Habib, 28 Rue Ibn Khaldoun, Ben Arous, Tunis. 216-1-380-843
TURKEY Umar Vanlioglu, Mescidi Salam, Sultan Ciftligi, Habibler Koyu, Istanbul.90-1-3854053, 90-1-5951773, 90-1-5054619 (faks: C. Korkut)
TURKEMINISTAN Uraz Murod, Uraz Md, Haji Noor, Masjid, Ashkabad.
UGANDA Omar Mazinga, Masjid Nur, William St., P.O. Box 2046, Kampala.256-41-246-63..
UZBEKISTAN Murad, Madrassa Mir e Arab, Bukhara. 42170Imam Mustafa Khul, Samarkand, 353268Ziauddin, Idara Diniyat, Tashkent. 351307
VENEZULA Farooq A Rahman, Islamic Center, Calle-9, Urb La Paz, El Paraiso,Caracaz. 58-2-498322?